Netbeans 8.1 Gnome 3 GTK+ UI Font and tabs height

For me it worked running netbeans with "Metal Look and Feel" (

./netbeans --laf Metal

Running GTK 3.22 on Fedora 25.

I managed to resolved it by changing the font face and font size of GNOME using the Tweak Tool > Font

I experienced the same problem and filed a bug in the NetBeans bug database. There is a work around, though: You can use a different look and feel. If you choose metal or Nimbus instead of the system look and feel (gtk3), there is no problem. The Darcula theme is especially noteworthy, as it is really good looking, it is a dark theme, though. You can install it as a plugin from the NetBeans Plugin installer.

For me the solution was to set the Look and Feel to Metal in Tools > Options.

See screebshot