One sentence of dummy text

With some help from xparse we can extract a rich supply of sentences from lipsum; precisely 1498, I guess they're sufficient.


% store a big set of sentences
\unpacklipsum[1-100] % it was \UnpackLipsum before version 2.0

% unpack \lipsumexp
\seq_new:N \g_lipsum_sentences_seq
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \seq_set_split:Nnn { NnV }
\seq_gset_split:NnV \g_lipsum_sentences_seq {.~} \lipsumexp

  \lipsumsentenceaux #1
  \IfNoValueTF { #2 }
    \seq_item:Nn \g_lipsum_sentences_seq { #1 }.~
    \int_step_inline:nnnn { #1 } { 1 } { #2 }
      \seq_item:Nn \g_lipsum_sentences_seq { ##1 }.~


\section{Seven sentences}


\section{Three sentences}


\section{Some single sentences}







enter image description here

Hello world.

writes Hello world 10 times.

You can use a macro for the dummy text and a loop to repeat it, taking as an argument the number of repetitions. These commands work in any variety of TeX, but I illustrate their use in a LaTeX document.


% Define the dummy sentence, an ancient palindrome.
\def\sator{Sator Arepo tenet opera rotas.}

% Create a command to print the sentence repeatedly.
% Argument #1 is the number of times to repeat it.
    \loopcounter = #1
        \sator\ %
        \advance\loopcounter by -1
        \ifnum\loopcounter > 0




\item \sator
\item \dummysentences{3}
\item \dummysentences{2}


enter image description here

See also my answer here: Is there a dummy package like Lipsum or Blindtext for Tables and Figures?

