Open a new JFrame

  • can't resist, simple disagree with answers JFrame frame = new JFrame(); and frame.setVisible(true);

I want to open a new JFrame when the user hits the first calculate button and serve as a Output window (Simlar to SPSS output windows if you are familiar with them).

  • don't do that, create only two JFrames, reuse 2nd. JFrame by using getContentPane.removeAll(), for another actions from JButton

  • then all lifecycle will be only about setVisible(true) / setVisible(false)

  • change DefaultCloseOperations to HIDE_ON_CLOSE

The New JFrame will be completely separate and will have its own menu bar. A simple JDialog is not the way to go here.

  • whats wrong with JDialog, only one button in the Toolbar in compare with three buttons in JFrame, simple disagree,

Output window (Simlar to SPSS output windows if you are familiar with them).

  • use SwingWorker or Runnable#Thread (required wrap into invokeLater) for get value for JComponents placed into JDialog, if all changes are done call JDialog.setVisible(true) wrapped into invokeLater()

JFrame newFrame = new JFrame();



