Optional arguments in plain TeX

Look ahead for the [:

  \ifx[\next %]
\def\dostileopt[#1]{_{\rm #1}}

$\stile \alpha$

$\stile[K] \alpha$


enter image description here

You could use the plain compatible eplain macros:

enter image description here

\input eplain





$$\stile \alpha$$

$$\stile[K] \alpha$$


With a primitive implementation of \@ifnextchar (taking the one from latex.ltx would be better, I guess):

\def\stile@i[#1]{{|\kern-.225em-}_{\rm #1}}%

$$\stile \alpha$$

$$\stile[K] \alpha$$


A more stable version of \@ifnextchar (similar to the one of latex.ltx but not the same):
