pandas groupby to nested json
I don't think think there is anything built-in to pandas to create a nested dictionary of the data. Below is some code that should work in general for a series with a MultiIndex, using a defaultdict
The nesting code iterates through each level of the MultIndex, adding layers to the dictionary until the deepest layer is assigned to the Series value.
In [99]: from collections import defaultdict
In [100]: results = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict))
In [101]: for index, value in grouped.itertuples():
...: for i, key in enumerate(index):
...: if i == 0:
...: nested = results[key]
...: elif i == len(index) - 1:
...: nested[key] = value
...: else:
...: nested = nested[key]
In [102]: results
Out[102]: defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x7ff17c76d1b8>, {2010: defaultdict(<type 'dict'>, {'govnr': {'pati mara': 500.0, 'jess rapp': 80.0}, 'mayor': {'joe smith': 100.0, 'jay gould': 12.0}})})
In [106]: print json.dumps(results, indent=4)
"2010": {
"govnr": {
"pati mara": 500.0,
"jess rapp": 80.0
"mayor": {
"joe smith": 100.0,
"jay gould": 12.0
I had a look at the solution above and figured out that it only works for 3 levels of nesting. This solution will work for any number of levels.
import json
levels = len(grouped.index.levels)
dicts = [{} for i in range(levels)]
last_index = None
for index,value in grouped.itertuples():
if not last_index:
last_index = index
for (ii,(i,j)) in enumerate(zip(index, last_index)):
if not i == j:
ii = levels - ii -1
dicts[:ii] = [{} for _ in dicts[:ii]]
for i, key in enumerate(reversed(index)):
dicts[i][key] = value
value = dicts[i]
last_index = index
result = json.dumps(dicts[-1])
Here is a generic recursive solution for this problem:
def df_to_dict(df):
if df.ndim == 1:
return df.to_dict()
ret = {}
for key in df.index.get_level_values(0):
sub_df = df.xs(key)
ret[key] = df_to_dict(sub_df)
return ret