Python's cPickle deserialization from PHP?

If you want to share data objects between programs written in different languages, it might be easier to serialize/deserialize using something like JSON instead. Most major programming languages have a JSON library.

Can you do a system call? You could use a python script like this to convert the pickle data into json:

import sys, optparse, cPickle, os
    import json
    import simplejson as json

# Setup the arguments this script can accept from the command line
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-p','--pickled_data_path',dest="pickled_data_path",type="string",help="Path to the file containing pickled data.")
parser.add_option('-j','--json_data_path',dest="json_data_path",type="string",help="Path to where the json data should be saved.")

# Load in the pickled data from either a file or the standard input stream
if opts.pickled_data_path:
    unpickled_data = cPickle.loads(open(opts.pickled_data_path).read())
    unpickled_data = cPickle.loads(

# Output the json version of the data either to another file or to the standard output
if opts.json_data_path:
    open(opts.json_data_path, 'w').write(json.dumps(unpickled_data))
    print json.dumps(unpickled_data)

This way, if your getting the data from a file you could do something like this:

    exec("python -p pickled_data.txt", $json_data = array());

or if you want to save it out to a file this:

    system("python -p pickled_data.txt -j p_to_j.json");

All the code above probably isn't perfect (I'm not a PHP developer), but would something like this work for you?