Read a file and store its contents in a variable

I'm not sure what the right way to do this with the LaTeX macros like \IfFileExists, but using the low-level TeX primitives this is easy to do.

    Go and buy a computer from ThisRandomBrand!!
    \read\makerfile to\makerline
        \or Linux%
        \or Mac%
    \product\ computer bought from ThisRandomBrand is amazing!

It tries to open ../DecMaker.txt and if that fails, it outputs the "Go and buy..." line. Otherwise, it defines \product to Windows, Linux, or Mac and outputs the "Linux computer..." line (for example).

I don't know (and cannot easily test) what happens if this file is actually run on a Windows machine. In particular, I don't know if ../DecMaker.txt is treated as the path you want.

If DecMaker.txt were moved to the same directory, then this should work correctly everywhere.

Run with lualatex

local x = {"Windows","Linux","Darwin"}

function FileTest(filename)
  local f=assert(, "r"))
  local t=f:read()
  if t then
    return x[tonumber(t)].." computer bought from ThisRandomBrand is amazing!"
    return "Go and buy a computer from ThisRandomBrand!!"



You can use catchfile. It's also better to separate the reading of the auxiliary file from the definition part, so you can easily reuse the code for the OS. The macro \newOScommand has five arguments: the name of the command to define and the four branches as shown in the example.


 {\CatchFileEdef{\OSnumber}{../DecMaker.txt}{\endlinechar=-1 }}


\newOScommand{\product}{Windows}{Linux}{Mac}{No computer}