Regex get domain name from email

This should be the regex:


(?<=@) - places the search right after the @ [^.]+ - take all the characters that are not dot (stops on dot)

So it extracts google from the email address.

I used the solution's regex for my task, but realized that some of the emails weren't that easy: [email protected], [email protected], and[email protected]

To anyone who came here wanting the sub domain as well (or is being cut off by it), here's the regex:


Updated answer:
Use a capturing group and keep it simple :)


Explanation by splitting it up
( capturing group for extraction )
\w stands for word character [A-Za-z0-9_]
+ is a quantifier for one or more occurances of \w

Regex explanation and demo on Regex101

[^@] means "match one symbol that is not an @ sign. That is not what you are looking for - use lookbehind (?<=@) for @ and your (?=\.) lookahead for \. to extract server name in the middle:


The middle portion [^.]+ means "one or more non-dot characters".


