Remove specified tags in XML (notepad++)

Used <time>.*?</time> and it worked perfectly.

enter image description here

You could always do a find and replace:

find <time>[0-9A-Z:-]*</time> and replace with blank (make sure Regular Expressions is checked)


Quick clarification, this replaces everything in the text file that start with <time> and has any amount of alphanumeric characters, colons (:) or dashes followed by a </time> tag. If you want to remove the spaces before the tag you can use the following instead:

find [\t ]*<time>[0-9A-Z:-]*</time> replace with blank.

If you want to remove the empty lines left over by doing this, you can use the TextFX plugin included with most versions of Notepad++:

TextFX -> TextFx Edit -> Delete Blank Lines

Or just switch to extended find and search for \n\r