Remove Whitespace-only Array Elements

A better way to "remove whitespace-only elements from an array".

var array = ['1', ' ', 'c'];

array = array.filter(function(str) {
    return /\S/.test(str);


Array.prototype.filter returns a new array, containing only the elements for which the function returns true (or a truthy value).

/\S/ is a regex that matches a non-whitespace character. /\S/.test(str) returns whether str has a non-whitespace character.

Another filter based variation - reusable (function)

    function removeWhiteSpaceFromArray(array){
    return array.filter((item) => item != ' ');

const words = ['spray', 'limit', 'elite', 'exuberant', ' ', ''];

const result = words.filter(word => word.trim().length > 0);


a="remove white spaces"

a.split(' ').join('').split('');

It returns an array of all characters in {a="remove white spaces"} with no 'space' character.

You can test the output separately for each method: split() and join().

