Return the List<myObj> returned by ResponseEntity<List>

First off, if you know the type of elements in your List, you may want to use the ParameterizedTypeReference class like so.

ResponseEntity<List<MyObj>> res = restTemplate.postForEntity(getUrl(), myDTO, new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<MyObj>>() {});

Then if you just want to return the list you can do:

return res.getBody();

And if all you care about is the list, you can just do:

// postForEntity returns a ResponseEntity, postForObject returns the body directly.
return restTemplate.postForObject(getUrl(), myDTO, new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<MyObj>>() {});

I couldn't get the accepted answer to work. It seems postForEntity no longer has this method signature. I had to use instead:

ResponseEntity<List<MyObj>> res =, HttpMethod.POST, myDTO, new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<MyObj>>() {});

Then to return the list, as above:

return res.getBody();

In the latest version (Spring Framework 5.1.6) both the answers are not working. As kaybee99 mentioned in his answer postForEntity method signature got changed. Also the method and its overloads need a RequestEntity<T> or its parent HttpEntity<T> object. Unable to pass my DTO object as mentioned.

Checkout the documentation of the RestTemplate class

Here is the code which worked for me

List<Shinobi> shinobis = new ArrayList<>();
shinobis.add(new Shinobi(1, "Naruto", "Uzumaki"));
shinobis.add(new Shinobi(2, "Sasuke", "Uchiha");
RequestEntity<List<Shinobi>> request = RequestEntity
            .post(new URI(getUrl()))
ResponseEntity<List<Shinobi>> response =
            new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<Shinobi>>() {}
List<Shinobi> result = response.getBody();

Hope it helps someone.