ruby: how to find non-unique elements in array and print each with number of occurrences?
puts a.uniq.
map { | e | [a.count(e), e] }.
select { | c, _ | c > 1 }.
map { | c, e | "#{e}:#{c}" }
The group_by
method is used for this often:
a.group_by{ |i| i } { "a" => [ [0] "a" ], "d" => [ [0] "d" ], "c" => [ [0] "c", [1] "c", [2] "c" ], "b" => [ [0] "b", [1] "b" ] }
I like:
a.group_by{ |i| i }.each_with_object({}) { |(k,v), h| h[k] = v.size } { "a" => 1, "d" => 1, "c" => 3, "b" => 2 }
Hash[a.group_by{ |i| i }.map{ |k,v| [k, v.size] }] { "a" => 1, "d" => 1, "c" => 3, "b" => 2 }
One of those might scratch your itch. From there you can reduce the result using a little test:
Hash[a.group_by{ |i| i }.map{ |k,v| v.size > 1 && [k, v.size] }] { "c" => 3, "b" => 2 }
If you just want to print the information use:
puts a.group_by{ |i| i }.map{ |k,v| "#{k}: #{v.size}" } a: 1 d: 1 c: 3 b: 2