Scheduled backup of certain directories in Windows 7

You can accomplish this using the 7zip command line tool and the windows task scheduler.

Download the 7zip command line tool from and extract it to c:\7zip

Open notepad and create a list of the directories you want to backup, one path per line

c:\users\username\important directory1
c:\users\username\important directory2

Go to tools->save and make sure to change the drop down menu from ANSI to UTF-8 and save the file as c:\users\username\backuplist.txt

Now, open the windows task scheduler and create a new task. Give the task a name and select to run it daily at your specified time. Select that you want to run a program and fill in the fields as follows

Program: c:\7zip\7za.exe
Arguments: a c:\backups\backupname.7z -r @c:\users\username\backuplist.txt
run in: c:\7zip

Now save the task and you should have a working backup solution based on 7zip.