Short equals sign

graphicx allows for resizing things through \resizebox{<width>}{<height>}{<stuff>}. Here's what you could do:

enter image description here

  \settowidth{\@tempdima}{-}% Width of hyphen
Here is a~-~hyphen, here is a~\shorteq~sign.\par
Here is a~-~hyphen, here is a~=~sign.

The above MWE provides \shorteq that squishes a = into the width of - of the prevailing font.

textcomp also provides \textdblhyphen which is similar, but different:

enter image description here

Here is a~-~hyphen, here is a~\textdblhyphen~sign.\par
Here is a~-~hyphen, here is a~=~sign.

You can define your symbol using two rules:






enter image description here

If You have access to Unicode fonts you could also try U+FE66 (﹦) SMALL EQUALS SIGN compare (=|﹦) (In the fonts used by my browser in this web site SMALL EQUALS looks bigger than EQUALS, but mathematical typography isn't the strongest point about stackexchange:-)


