PDF contains incorrect bookmark hierarchy
The package hyperref
should be loaded as last package. See:
Which packages should be loaded after hyperref instead of before?
The package subfigure
is obsolete, instead use subcaption
or subfig
How to keep up with packages and know which ones are obsolete?
With the following header I have no problems:
After you add your file list and was able to compare the versions of hyperref
I am using:
hyperref.sty 2012/05/13 v6.82q Hypertext links for LaTeX
and you are using:
hyperref.sty 2010/03/30 v6.80u Hypertext links for LaTeX
You can see you need an update of your LaTeX distribution.
Based on the new information the problems based on the setting of:
This isn't really unexpected. At this point hyperref
finds every chapter twice and you get the warning:
pdfTeX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier
To solve this you must redefine \theHchapter
in a suitable way. Here a suggestion:
An other hint: If you compile with XeLaTeX you can't work with the unit px
I don't know why
Finally the complete example: