Spark: How to translate count(distinct(value)) in Dataframe API's

What you need is the DataFrame aggregation function countDistinct:

import sqlContext.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._

case class Log(page: String, visitor: String)

val logs = => Log(p._1,p._2))

val result ="page","visitor")
            .agg('page, countDistinct('visitor))


You can use dataframe's groupBy command twice to do so. Here, df1 is your original input.

val df2 = df1.groupBy($"page",$"visitor").agg(count($"visitor").as("count"))

This command would produce the following result:

page  visitor  count
----  ------   ----
PAG2    V2       2
PAG1    V3       1
PAG1    V1       5
PAG1    V2       2
PAG2    V1       2

Then use the groupBy command again to get the final result.


Final output:

page   count
----   ----
PAG1    3
PAG2    2