Sufficient and necessary condition for strictly monotone differentiable functions

A necessary and sufficient condition is that $f^\prime\ge0$ everywhere and $f^\prime > 0$ on a dense subset of $\mathbb{R}$. The condition stated in the question is sufficient, but not necessary. Consider the following differentiable and strictly increasing function for which $f^\prime > 0$ does not hold almost everywhere. Let $C$ be the fat Cantor set (which is closed with positive measure, but does not contain any nontrivial open intervals). Let $g(x)$ be the distance from any point $x$ to $C$. Then, $g$ is continuous and vanishes precisely on $C$. The integral $$ f(x)=\int_0^xg(y)\,dy $$ is strictly increasing and continuously differentiable, but $f^\prime=0$ on $C$.

We can show that $f^\prime\ge0$ everywhere and $f^\prime > 0$ on a dense set is indeed necessary and sufficient for $f$ to be strictly increasing (see also Olivier Bégassat's comments to the question).

Sufficiency: If $f^\prime\ge0$ then the mean value theorem implies that $f$ is increasing. If it was not strictly increasing then we would have $f(a)=f(b)$ for some $a < b$ implying that $f^\prime=0$ on $[a,b]$, contradicting the condition that $f^\prime > 0$ on a dense set. This proves sufficiency of the conditions.

Necessity: In the other direction, suppose that $f$ is strictly increasing. Then, $f^\prime\ge0$ follows directly from the definition of the derivative. Also, $f(a) < f(b)$ for any $a < b$. The mean value theorem implies that $f^\prime(x) > 0$ for some $x\in[a,b]$. So, $f^\prime > 0$ on a dense set.