SUSY particles Feynman diagrams

I created a package called TikZ-Feynman which is available from CTAN, and in today's update, I have added support for SUSY particles by allowing edge styles to be stacked.

Here's the code for the above diagram

\feynmandiagram [large, horizontal=a to b] {
  i1 [particle=\(\langle H_{u} \rangle\)] 
     -- [scalar, with reversed arrow=0.3, insertion=0.7, edge label=\(H_{2}\)] a
     -- [anti fermion, boson]
     i2 [particle=\(\lambda\)],
  a -- [anti majorana, insertion=0.5, edge label={\(\tilde H_{2}\quad\tilde H_{1}\)}] b,
  f1 [particle=\(\tilde f\)]
     -- [charged scalar] b
     -- [anti fermion]
     f2 [particle=\(f'\)],

and the corresponding output:

SUSY diagram

Note that the lines are fairly thick here because of the large style being used.