Trying to hide blocks of text in beamer

Here's a way of defining a \hideit using Beamer's extended \newcommand:


\setbeamercolor{math text}{fg=blue}

  \only<0| handout:1>{\mbox{}}%
  \invisible<0| handout:1>{#1}}


  \frametitle{Two bugs:}
  {\color{red}Error with itemize}
    \item The line below should have a `bullet' (only the
    text should be hidden)
    \item \hideit{Some text to be hidden}
    \item This is visible again.


  {\color{red}Error with beamer's pause command:}

  \textbf{Example 1:}\quad  Differentiate \ $f(x)=x^2\sin x$

  \underline{\itshape Solution:}
  \hideit{Let $u=x^2$ and $v=\sin x$. (this line should be hidden)

    \pause  Then $u'=2x$ and $v'=\cos x$.

    Using the product rule we get
    $$f' = 2x\sin x + x^2\cos x.$$

  \frametitle{Two more bugs:}

  {\color{red}Error with `inline' hiding:}

  Here is some \hideit{hidden} text on one line.


  {\color{red}Error with eqnarray* in beamer:}

  \textbf{Example 1:}\quad  Differentiate \ $f(x)= \frac{\sin x}{e^x}$.


  \underline{Solution:} Let $u=\sin x$ and $v=e^x$.
  Then $u'=\cos x$ and $v'=e^x$.  Therefore

      f'(x) &=& \frac{e^x\cos x-(\sin x)e^x}{(e^x)^2} \\
      &=& \frac{e^x(\cos x-\sin x)}{(e^x)^2} \\
      &=& \frac{\cos x-\sin x}{e^x}.

  And that's how you do it! (This should be black text)



And for the presentation:


I shortened the example to show the relevant feature with \mode<handout>{...} and \mode<beamer>{...}, which is basically beamer's own way of \hideit etc.


\setbeamercolor{math text}{fg=blue}


\begin{frame}{Two bugs:}
%\frametitle{Two bugs:}
%{\color{red}Error with itemize}

\item The line below should have a `bullet' (only the text should be hidden)
  \item Some text to be hidden
  \item This is visible again.

Beamer mode

enter image description here

Handout mode enter image description here