using underbrace without having left( and right) scale

I would suggest using a combination of \vphantom{<stuff>} (for correct vertical spacing) and breaking up the expression into three separate components to correct for the extensible brackets. For example, the following shows the difference between your attempt and using the above combination:

% These definitions are taken from Herbert Voss' Mathmode document,
% available online via CTAN from:
\llap{$\mathsurround=0pt#1{#2}$}% $
\def\clap#1{\hbox to 0pt{\hss#1\hss}}
\rlap{$\mathsurround=0pt#1{#2}$}% $
Here is some text.
Here is some more text.
  \left(\vphantom{e_{s,i,j}e_{t,i,j}}\right.% Left bracket
  \left.\vphantom{e_{s,i,j}e_{t,i,j}}\right)% Right bracket
Here is some more text.

This is what it looks like:

Mathmode spacing

You may have to fiddle around with the spacing of the brackets to suit your preference, using math spacing or \mathllap and \mathrlap.



\[ \big(\underbrace{e_{s,i,j}}_{\mathclap{=:x>0}} +   
        \underbrace{e_{t,i,j}}_{\mathclap{=:y>0}}\big) \]


enter image description here

I prefer \smash[b]:


Here could be text.
\left(2,\smash[b]{\underbrace{\frac{5}{3}}_{\mathclap{\approx 1.66666667}}} \right)
\vphantom{\underbrace{\frac{5}{3}}_{\approx 1.66666667}}
Here could be more text.


because it would also work together with \DeclarePairedDelimiter (see

Here could be text. 
\norm*{\left(2,\smash[b]{\underbrace{\frac{5}{3}}_{\mathclap{\approx 1.66666667}}} \right)}
\vphantom{\underbrace{\frac{5}{3}}_{\approx 1.66666667}}
Here could be more text.


compiled result

\smash[b] is especially useful, if you have more complicated delimiters defined in the preamble like colored or linked delimiters (see

A short description of \DeclarePairedDelimiter can be found here: Easily change behavior of \DeclarePairedDelimiter

A detailed description of \smash[b] here: