Visual Studio 2017 cannot update Microsoft.NETCore.App package ("Blocked by project")

EDIT 2018: Only follow the instructions for updating the package if you really know what you are doing. In most cases, you never need to update this package - or other packages marked as "blocked by project" - manually. A framework-dependent app will use the latest runtime available and a self-contained application will perform an extra build using a newer version of this package automatically. (there are some edge cases where you need to upgrade this package in test projects. in this case, add <TargetLatestRuntimePatch>true</…> and see this Q&A for other options)

The implicit package references that the Microsoft.NET.Sdk infers can't be updated via NuGet.

If you migrated from project.json, the project with the 1.1.0 reference likely contains


in the csproj file or an item like this (if you may used the package manager previously to set the version):

<PackageReference Update="Microsoft.NETCore.App" Version="1.1.0" />

Delete entries like the above and all packages will reference 1.1.2 (or whatever the installed SDK considers to be the latest) automatically. Alernatively, set RuntimeFrameworkVersion in all projects.

I had similar problem trying to install Entityframework.Core package in a .NET Core 2 Web app. To solve the issue, I've forced installation through Package Manager Console:

Install-Package Microsoft.NETCore.App -Version 2.0.5

(2.0.5 was the most recent version at the time)

I hope it's useful. Peace.

For me adding


did the trick
