Why Arrays.sort is quicksort algorithm, why not another sort algorithm?

The answer is in Jon L. Bentley and M. Douglas McIlroy’s “Engineering a Sort Function”, which the sort function cites.

Shopping around for a better qsort, we found that a qsort written at Berkeley in 1983 would consume quadratic time on arrays that contain a few elements repeated many times—in particular arrays of random zeros and ones. In fact, among a dozen different Unix libraries we found no qsort that could not easily be driven to quadratic behavior; all were derived from the Seventh Edition or from the 1983 Berkeley function.…

Unable to find a good enough qsort, we set out to build a better one. The algorithm should avoid extreme slowdowns on reasonable inputs, and should be fast on ‘random’ inputs. It should also be efficient in data space and code space. The sort need not be stable; its specification does not promise to preserve the order of equal elements.

The alternatives were heapsort and mergesort, since Java was created in the early 1990s. Mergesort is less desirable because it requires extra storage space. Heapsort has a better worst-case performance (O(n log n) compared to O(n^2)), but performs more slowly in practice. Thus, if you can control the worst case performance via good heuristics, a tuned quicksort is the way to go.

Java 7 is switching to Timsort, which was invented in 1993 (implemented in Python in 2002) and has a worst-case performance of O(n log n) and is a stable sort.

Quicksort has the advantage of being completely in place, so it does not require any additional storage, while mergesort (which is actually used by Arrays.sort() for object arrays) and other (all?) guaranteed O(n*log n) algorithm require at least one full copy of the array. For programs that sort very large primitive arrays, that means potentially doubling the overall memory usage.


