Wrong tick labels alignment on baseline

You can fix the text height by setting xticklabel style={text height=2ex}:




    xtick={1e-4, .1, .3},
    xticklabels={\num{e-4}, 0.2, 0.3},
    xticklabel style={text height=2ex}
    \addplot[only marks] table[x=x, y=y] {
      x y
      -.3 .7
      .2 .1
      .5 .6
      0.4 -0.5

There is a better answer — just add style typeset ticklabels with strut.

The easiest and fastest way that comes to my mind is to add a phantom exponent:

enter image description here




    xtick={1e-4, .1, .3},
    xticklabels={\num{e-4}, \pe{0.2}, \pe{0.3}},
    \addplot[only marks] table[x=x, y=y] {
      x y
      -.3 .7
      .2 .1
      .5 .6
      0.4 -0.5