Beamer-Generated slides to PPT?
Howdy this is a half automatic answer.
htlatex yourfile.tex "html,word" "-coo"
to extract some of the textErase all the text wich should be editable.
make hi-res Pictures out of the pdf e.g. with this script:
#!/bin/bash read name pdftk $name burst convert -density 288 pg_000*.pdf +adjoin -quality 100 -size 3000x4000 pg.jpg
This is not editable but can be included into PP.
bring those pictures in the background of yout PP file.
reinsert the text using PP (generated in step 0.).
This is an incomplete solution, but LibreOffice imports PDF to presentation, preserving text (mostly) and layout (sort of). I've used it to convert simple beamer presentations to office.
Open an empty Libreoffice impress file
Go to the menu
and select the pdf fileSave as .pptx
Enjoy :D
Here ( is a small python script that extracts elements of the beamer using regular expressions, creates an image for each equation and generates a powerpoint with the same number of slide with the equations and the images. It does not keep the layout, but it can help as a first step before manual edition of the resulting powerpoint.