Bell notifications via apex
You can definitely send Bell Notifications via apex. Andrew Fawcett explained this feature in detail in his article
A month ago I had a task to send a notification to my user when deletion of test data is finished. This is an example code how it was done:
public class MyBellNotification
public static void notifyCurrentUser(String message)
Http h = new Http();
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
+ '/services/data/v46.0/actions/standard/customNotificationAction');
req.setHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + UserInfo.getSessionId());
req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
CustomNotificationActionInput input = new CustomNotificationActionInput();
input.customNotifTypeId = '0ML0b000000KyjGGAS';
input.recipientIds = new List<String>{UserInfo.getUserId()};
input.title = 'Test Data Operation Completed';
input.body = message;
input.targetId = '0ML0b000000KyjGGAS';
CustomNotificationAction action = new CustomNotificationAction();
action.inputs = new List<CustomNotificationActionInput>{input};
HttpResponse res = h.send(req);
public class CustomNotificationAction
public List<CustomNotificationActionInput> inputs { get; set; }
public class CustomNotificationActionInput
public String customNotifTypeId { get; set; }
public List<String> recipientIds { get; set; }
public String title { get; set; }
public String body { get; set; }
public String targetId { get; set; }
A few things to note:
- You need to define a new Notification Type under the Setup menu.
- Get the Id of the Notification Type you created. Just run the following query in the Developer Console's Query Editor
SELECT Id, DeveloperName FROM CustomNotificationType
. - Use this ID in the
input.customNotifTypeId = '0ML0b000000KyjGGAS';
andinput.targetId = '0ML0b000000KyjGGAS';
fields. If you want you can use the id of an Attendant record in thetargetId
field. It will generate a link to that record in the notification text. - Since this implementation requires an API callout, you cannot perform DML operations in the same transaction prior to calling this code or in triggers. A workaround to this is to define a Queueable class and call that class instead. See below:
public without sharing class Notification implements Queueable, Database.AllowsCallouts { String message;
public Notification(String message)
this.message = message;
public void execute(QueueableContext context)
This is just a use case sample DO NOT USE this lines in your code as you will delete 10,000 accounts from your org:
Database.delete(Database.query('SELECT Id FROM Account LIMIT 10000 WHERE isTestData__c = TRUE'));
System.enqueueJob(new Notification('Records deleted'));
From Winter 2021 you will be able to send notifications directly using apex. The below code works in the winter 2021 release preview orgs.
Id typeId = [SELECT Id FROM CUstomNotificationType WHERE DeveloperName = 'notification type name'].Id;
Messaging.CustomNotification notification = new Messaging.CustomNotification();
notification.setBody('This is body of the custom notification!');
notification.setTitle('Hi this is first notification sent using apex!');
notification.setNotificationTypeId(typeId );
notification.setTargetId('006B0000005hCxzIAE'); // target object id
notification.send(new Set<String> { Userinfo.getUserId() }); // target user id.
Send Custom Notifications from Apex
I have written a detailed blog post about this code.
You can achieve the bell notification through the new Summer '19 Custom Notifications feature however, it's not triggerable via APEX just yet. I know this doesn't directly answer the question re: APEX, but it's a pretty simple process builder.
Upside of this is that you can also deliver these as push notifications to the user's mobile device/watch etc. (so long as they have the Salesforce1 app installed).