Filled curved in legend entry - tikz/pgf
One possibility is to define a custom \addlegendimage
\usepackage{tikz, pgfplots}
legend image with text/.style={
legend image code/.code={%
\draw [#1,yshift=-0.5ex] (0,0) rectangle (4ex,1.5ex);
xmin=0, xmax=5,
ymin=0, ymax=1,
axis on top,
xlabel={time (sec)},
axis line style={line width=1pt}]
%axis lines=left]
\addplot+[mark=none, solid, ultra thick, color=black, fill = black, fill opacity=0.2] {exp(-x)}\closedcycle;\addlegendentry{$R=1Hz$};
\addlegendimage{legend image with text={fill, color=black, dashed, thick, fill opacity=0.2}} \addlegendentry{Relative probability}
\addplot[color=black, domain=1:2, samples=100, dashed, thick] {exp(-x)} \closedcycle;
\addplot[color=black, domain=2:3, samples=100, dashed, thick] {exp(-x)} \closedcycle;
\addplot[color=black, domain=3:4, samples=100, dashed, thick] {exp(-x)} \closedcycle;
\addplot[color=black, domain=4:5, samples=100, dashed, thick] {exp(-x)} \closedcycle;
\addplot[mark=none, black, <-] coordinates {(0.55,0.61) (0.55,0.85)};
\addplot[mark=none, black, <-] coordinates {(1.55,0.23) (1.55,0.47)};
\addplot[mark=none, black, <-] coordinates {(2.55,0.092) (2.55,0.332)};
\addplot[mark=none, black, <-] coordinates {(3.55,0.040) (3.55,0.28)};
\addplot[mark=none, black, <-] coordinates {(4.55,0.021) (4.55,0.261)};
after end axis/.code={
\node[above] at (axis cs:0.55,0.85){\small{$63\%$}};
\node[above] at (axis cs:1.55,0.47){\small{$23\%$}};
\node[above] at (axis cs:2.55,0.332){\small{$8.6\%$}};
\node[above] at (axis cs:3.55,0.28){\small{$3.1\%$}};
\node[above] at (axis cs:4.55,0.261){\small{$1.2\%$}};
(As requested in a comment.)
I had the same idea as Phelype, \addlegendimage
, for solving what you actually asked about.
The code below has some other simplifications as well. Instead of five plots with \closedcycle
to generate the vertical dashed lines, I use a single \addplot [ycomb, ..]
to do so. This works in this case, but might not look good in other cases.
Further, the use of \pgfplotsset{after end axis...
to add the nodes is unnecessarily complicated. First of all, you don't need the \pgfplotsset
at all, just add \node[above] at (axis cs:0.55,0.85){\small{$63\%$}};
directly in the axis environment.
But note that a node
can be appended to the end of an \addplot coordinates {...}
, so doing
\addplot[black, <-] coordinates {(0.55,0.61) (0.55,0.85)}
node[above,font=\small] {$63\%$};
instead seems more convenient. Note also that \small
is not a macro that takes an argument, it's a switch that influences the following text in the same group, so should be used as {\small text}
, not \small{text}
\usepackage{pgfplots} % also loads tikz
xmin=0, xmax=5,
ymin=0, ymax=1,
axis on top,
xlabel={time (sec)},
axis line style={line width=1pt}
% not saying this is better or worse, but you can make do with fewer settings
\addplot [ultra thick, black, fill, fill opacity=0.2] {exp(-x)} \closedcycle;
% add custom legend entry
\addlegendimage{area legend,dashed, thick,fill = black, fill opacity=0.2}
\addlegendentry{Relative probability}
% use ycomb to draw the vertical dashed lines
\addplot[black, dashed, thick, ycomb, samples at={0,...,5}] {exp(-x)};
\addplot[black, <-] coordinates {(0.55,0.61) (0.55,0.85)}
node[above,font=\small] {$63\%$};
\addplot[black, <-] coordinates {(1.55,0.23) (1.55,0.47)}
node[above,font=\small] {$23\%$};
\addplot[black, <-] coordinates {(2.55,0.092) (2.55,0.332)}
node[above,font=\small] {$8.6\%$};
\addplot[black, <-] coordinates {(3.55,0.040) (3.55,0.28)}
node[above,font=\small] {$3.1\%$};
\addplot[black, <-] coordinates {(4.55,0.021) (4.55,0.261)}
node[above,font=\small] {$1.2\%$};
You can do the arrows more automated if you want to, with a loop. One of the possible approaches is demonstrated in the code below, which results in this:
\usepackage{pgfplots} % also loads tikz
xmin=0, xmax=5,
ymin=0, ymax=1,
axis on top,
xlabel={time (sec)},
axis line style={line width=1pt}
% not saying this is better or worse, but you can make do with fewer settings
\addplot [ultra thick, black, fill, fill opacity=0.2] {exp(-x)} \closedcycle;
% add custom legend entry
\addlegendimage{area legend,dashed, thick,fill = black, fill opacity=0.2}
\addlegendentry{Relative probability}
% use ycomb to draw the vertical dashed lines
\addplot[black, dashed, thick, ycomb, samples at={0,...,5}] {exp(-x)};
\pgfplotsinvokeforeach{0.5,1.5,2.5,3.5,4.5}{ % insert the x-values where you want arrows
\addplot [<-, shorten <=2pt] coordinates {(#1,{exp(-#1)})(#1,{exp(-#1) + 0.24})}
node[above,font=\small] {%