How to convert timestamp to date?

Try with FROM_UNIXTIME(unix_timestamp,format)

FROM_UNIXTIME(1329944650, '%Y-%m-%d')

To convert unix timestamp into human readable format mysql has built-in function FROM_UNIXTIME() it takes 2 parameters first is the timestamp that you want to convert and the second one is the format in which you want to convert in your case this should be

FROM_UNIXTIME('1329944650', '%Y-%m-%d');

FROM_UNIXTIME and DATE function.

select DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME('1329944650'))

mysql> select DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME('1329944650'));
| DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME('1329944650')) |
| 2012-02-23                        |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


