Long dashes for denoting omitted columns of a matrix

Here's a way, inspired by \rightarrofill:



\llongdash & x_{1}   & \rlongdash \\
\llongdash & x_{2}+y & \rlongdash \\
\llongdash & x_{n}   & \rlongdash

I use \llongdash and \rlongdash to back up slightly and so to ensure the correct alignment of the dashes.

enter image description here

If dots are needed for denoting omitted rows, one can use \hdotsfor:

\llongdash & x_{1}   & \rlongdash \\
\llongdash & x_{2}+y & \rlongdash \\
\hdotsfor{3} \\
\llongdash & x_{n}   & \rlongdash

instead of the code above will produce

enter image description here

Alternatively, one can use only one column

\longdash\hfill x_{1} \hfill \longdash \\
\longdash\hfill x_{2} + y \hfill \longdash \\
\longdash\hfill x_{n} \hfill \longdash \\

and get

enter image description here

Here is a solution based on TikZ:


% possible to customize here the dash aspect

\matrix(m)[matrix of math nodes,left delimiter=(,right delimiter=),ampersand replacement=\&]
\mydash \&   y_1 \&   \mydash   \\
\mydash \&   y_2+z_2 \&  \mydash    \\
\mydash \&   y_3 \&   \mydash \\


which gives:

enter image description here

