React Native project do not have index.ios.js or

Firstly make sure that you are done with the downloads of:

  • Java Sdk
  • Android Studio
  • Xcode (in case of OSX)
  • HomeBrew (in case of OSX to install node)
  • Node/NPM (Node runs Javascript outside the browser. NPM is used for installing and managing Dependencies. Node and NPM come together)

Those are some essential installs that you will need in your Project

For windows/OSX you need to run the following commands in your command prompt/command line:

This is the important part for running a react native project:

  • npm install -g react-native-cli

Then you can use this cli to start a new project like this:

  • react-native init projectname

after following these steps you can get the file and the index.ios.js file where you can code/ edit for ios/android seperately

App.js or any other file can be created by us while and index.ios.js file comes by default

But now we have index.js file instead of and index.ios.js and an App.js file, so you can write your codes in App.js and register the file in index.js to make it work on both ios and android

so your app registers only once that is in index.js earlier we need to copy paste the same registering code in both index.ios.js and to make it work on android and ios that was like duplication of the same code so they must have deprecated that

For the latest version of React native(0.49.3), it seems that the "" and "index.ios.js" separate entry routes are no longer supported. The developer documentation suggests we use the App.js and only change parts of platform specific code by importing {Platform} from react-native package if needed.

Developer documentation

According to this article, even in React Native 0.60 those platform specific file extensions are still supported.

Henceforth and with coming versions of React Native development platform, the index.ios.js and files are no longer available for development purposes. There is now a single file that one can use to carry out all development activities- the App.js in relation with the index.js file (just like the normal React.js) way of doing things.


  1. Ensure that you set all development packages using the MAC OS terminal

  2. Download and install the latest Node.js package

  3. Run npm --version to confirm the installation of the latest Node.js version

  4. Still, on your terminal, install HomeBrew using

    /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  5. Then install watchman usingbrew install watchman

  6. Finally, install React-Native using

    npm install -g react-native-cli

Then you can start building your react native app using

react-native init appName

Editing the App.js and the index.js files are what you'll do in most cases when developing. You might as well download some other dependencies as you see fit.