Magento 2 did not sign in correctly or your account is temporarily disabled

After some search on the internet, I found that due to security reasons Magento has introduced account disabled functionality with considering the security of the business.

Here is how you can unlock and Go to your Magento root folder via SSH/PUTTY

Then Run following command

php bin/magento admin:user:unlock ADMINUSERNAME

Or jump into bin directory from Magento root: cd bin/

and then run the command

php magento admin:user:unlock ADMINUSERNAME

For Reference, check here

Please try to reset username and password . I have tried the following code that works for me.

sudo php bin/magento admin:user:create --admin-user="pearlbells" --admin-password="pear122l**all" --admin-email="[email protected]" --admin-firstname="Admin" --admin-lastname="Admin"

I struggled to solve this when working with multiple environments, and I think Jairmin's answer might help stop this happen, but once it has I found the following steps solved the problem:

  • Try what Yogesh Trivedi suggested, though this did not work for me

If that did not help, do the next 3 in order without trying to login in between:

  • Truncate the mage_admin_user_session table
  • In the mage_admin_user table reset failures_num to 0 and first_failure to NULL for the relevant user(s)
  • Reset password via the front end option (not directly in the DB)

This is obviously fairly aggressive and should only be done if you haven't been able to get in any other way.